About this Blog

This is the blog of Hendrik Steyn. The opinion in this blog is mine and mine alone. I don’t clame to speak for anybody but myself.

I think of myself as blind, because I cannot see. This is the meaning of the word “blind”. I am not differently enabled, because all of us have different abilities. This makes us differently abled, despite any form of disability.

Neither am I vision impaired or visually challenged. I have vision and ambition, because I know where I want to go in life, and I know what I want from life.

Neither do I want to touch your face to “see” what you look like. It’s not on top, but inside a person that matters.

Neither would I want you to touch my face. Your fingers have been who-knows-where and I’m not the touchy-feely kind, so, please keep your hands to yourself.

Life is chaotic and, on this blog, I am trying to unpack all the ideas in my mind just to try and make sense of it all. I am confused — just like the main character in Douglas Adams’s book “Life, the universe and everything”.


From time to time, strong language may be present on this blog. Sometimes politically incorrect speech may occur.

The reason for the latter is simply that the landscape changes so quickly and I can’t keep up with it all, because I am human — just like everybody else. I don’t know everything and I can make mistakes as well.

If you like what you see, please share and feel free to drop me a line.